The book that I read is called Angels and Demons by Dan Brown. The main character in this book is Robert Langdon. He is an expert on religious iconology and art history. One day, he finds out that there is a murder commited by a group call the Illuminati. He is asked to help solve the murder.
What seems to start out as a simple murder mystery develops into a storyline with a much deeper message. The book touches on the power struggle between religion and science. Since the time of Galileo and many other of the first scientists, the Church has lost power due to science. What once was known as an "act of God" begins to have a logical, scientific explanation. The Illuminati, originally formed by Galileo, try to cripple the power of the Church through violent means, all the while using their ancient symbology. This, of course, is Robert's profession, so he must try to stop the violence before it happens.
Dan Brown's method in writing is very unique. Although he uses a lot of scientific detail, the writing is not boring or monotonous. Many funny parts are added to give the story a lighter feel.
Overall, this was a very good book with lots of meaning on many different levels.
Can you explain what it is specifically that's so engaging about his writing style? I find him exciting too!